Telematics Valley - where telematics professionals meet since 2001

Telematics Valley seeks to promote the use of telematics to benefit all users in the automotive, connected industries and society. Bringing together the mix of private and public sector, together with academia, allows for Telematics Valley to provide a forum for the opportunity to share and exchange ideas and information.
We do this by networking and knowledge sharing through lunch seminars, an annual international conference and targeted workshops.
Telematics Valley supports and strengthens the development of business and technology and is a catalyzer for the creation of business opportunities.
Telematics Valley is a non-profit organisation that exists to help improve members’ opportunities and also exploit the region as a premier telematics development cluster. This is achieved by a vast array of targeted objectives such as attracting further competences into the region as well as inviting european telematics actors; encouraging collaboration; stimulating debate and knowledge; working closely with academia, R&D and test facilities; attracting investment; and generating more jobs.